The Darussalam Aikido Club had its beginnings at the British Loan Service Club of the Royal Brunei Arm Forces in Berakas
sometimes in 2003, and was initiated by Mr. Andrew Nisbett, who holds a 2nd Dan Black Belt Aikikai. This was awarded to him
by the Tokushima Budo Council of Europe. At that time there were only a few students attending the classes and most of them
were the British Loan Services family members and their close circle of friends and the Royal Brunei Armed Forces personnel.
Sensei Nisbeth, incidentaly, named the club: Darussalam Aikido Club.
The stage in the development of Aikido in Brunei Darussalam
was in July 2004 when two dedicated local Brunieans, Hj Shahrum Hj Kadir and Pg M Alexander Pg Hj M Don, joined the group
of about 5 practitioners namely James H. Hagerty (Scottish), Denis (Filipino), Annabel (English), Don Abd Rahman (now a member
of BAF) and a few others. At that time there was no official Aikido Club or organisation in Brunei Darussalam and the club
was not registered with the Registrar of Societies but was only as a part of British Loan Services activities. We were taught
the basic techniques of Aikido by Mr. Andrew Nisbett. according to the Tokushima Budo Council of Europe syllabus.
at that time was considered fun with round-robin training routines and a lot of non- Aikido techniques which were also taught
and demonstrated by our sensei, such as ground fighting, strangling, disarming etc. We were lucky to have him as our teacher
as he is also an expert in Jujutsu 1st dan, Wado Ryu karate (2nd dan) and Judo (1st dan). He was considered to be an all-rounder
in Japanese martial art." recalled Hj Shahrum.
However, because their training mattresses were not really suitable for
aikido, their break fall techniques were considered not very good and lack the desired flexibility. Among all the members
according to sensei Andy, Hj Shahrum was the most difficult to teach due to his background in the hard martial art of a Shotokan
Karate (1st dan). Meanwhile Pg M Alex was not flexible due to his weight lifting, karate and Thai boxing training.
in order to master some of the basic techniques both of them trained privately every week for about 1 hour at the back of
the Indoor Stadium at Berakas. Their mattress was the cement floor!. But with this dedicated training, they were able to maintain
their progress and caught up with the rest of the group. The fee for attending the 10 weeks of training (2 hours per session)
was $120 and at the end of 10 weeks, an upgrading test was conducted. Through their dedicated training, both Hj Shahrum and
Pg Alexander were awarded the 5th kyu in September and then the 4th kyu in December 2004 by Sensei Andy.
However, due to
the expiry of his contract with the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, Sensei Andy left for England in December 2004 and four of the
group (Hj Shahrum. Pg Alex, James & Dennis) were left without an Aikido teacher. Hj Shahrum and Pg Alex were very upset
but were very determined to continue their aikido training, even without a qualified teacher.
Prior to Sensei Andy's departure
Hj. Shahrum & Pg Alex organized a small seminar in order to attract their close friends to attend their 2 hrs twice a
week training sessions. The seminar attracted about 10 recruits including current member Pg Sufian and Hj Sabtu. James and
Denis, who were both 3rd kyu at that time were skeptical with this idea of conducting training without a proper instructor
but because of their sound martial arts background they (Hj Shahrum & Pg Alex) managed to bulldoze through with the training.
Even though they were both 4th kyu they became the Daraussalam Aikido dojo instructors. Nonetheless, the search for a sensei
has begun in earnest.
Through their network of contacts and the internet, the search was on lor an accredited aikikai style
Aikido instructor in the region to teach this group. As a result, sometime in November 2004, Hj Shahrum requested Pg Alexander
to meet Shihan Jun Yamada who was based in KL, to get his assistance to open an aikido club in Brunei but was unable to help
them in providing a qualified instructor.
Meanwhile in December of that same year, Hj Shahrum went to Jakarta and had a
meeting with Peiter Taihutu. President of Indonesia Aikido Federation and requested his assistance to provide an aikido instructor
to be assigned to Brunei. This meeting also failed secure a teacher for the now increasingly desperate Hj Shahrum. It was
during this visit, however, that Hj Shahrum volunteered with his own money to buy 20 pieces of mattresses for about B$600.
Through his contacts in Toyota Astra Motor Indonesia, he managed to arrange the mattress to be shipped to Brunei, for free.
Nonetheless, Hj Shahrum and Pg Alex became increasing!) frustrated because none of the organizations in the region were able
to assist them.
Finally, their persistence paid off when Hj Shahrum located Sensei Hj Haneef who is based in Kuching. He
made a phone call immediately...and it was answered personally by Hj Haneef ...the rest was history. Hj Shahrum and Pg Alex
were very fortunate to have gotten in touch with Sensei Haji Muhammad Haneef, a 5th Dan Black Belt and President of the Aikikai
Malaysia. They requested Sensei Hj Muhammad Haneef to accept them as his students explaining to him that they have approached
other Shihans but they were unable to assist.
Sensei Hj Muhammad Haneef who lives in the neighbouring
State of Sarawak, Malaysia, then kindly agreed to assist in the training of the group by providing
one of his Aikikai Malaysia's senior instructors, Sensei Zainuddin Abd Khalic, 3rd Dan Black Belt, who lives in
Sabah, who now comes every month to conduct the training.
Sensei Zainuddin first came to Brunei on 16th January 2005
to conduct aikido classes for about 13 members. This group organized themselves and made a collection $50 per person/month
to ensure that Sensei Zainuddin was able to come to Brunei regularly. Pg Sufian was
also appointed as treasurer. To make ends meet, during his monthly visits from January to September
2004, and due to the financial constraints faced by this group Hj Shahrum continued to provide Sensei Zainuddin with free
accommodation at his residence, food and transportation.
It was during this period that the decision was made by the group
to make Darussalam Aikido Club official in Brunei Darussalam. To facilitate its members to set up their own club in the near
future, Hj Shahrum proposed that the Brunei Darussalam Karate Federation constitution be used as a guideline to draft the
Aikido Federation's constitution. Hj Sabtu who has joined the group by then, helped to type the draft which was finalized
for discussion with the pro-tem committee and submitted to the Registrar of Societies sometime in April 2005.
to that initiative, club begin to flourish sometime in July when Hj Mohd Jamil, Hj Abd Hamid and Erwan joined in to train
regularly with the group.
Finally, on 15th August 2005 the AIKIDO FEDERATION OF BRUNEI DARUSSALAM (BAF) was officially
approved by the Registrar of Societies. With the help of Hj Shahrum, Pg Alex and Pg Sufian. it was collectively agreed to
use their own personal money to purchase 20 pieces of mattresses. In September 17-18th the Federation invited Sensei Zainuddin
and Sensei Razi Phalvi to conduct training and held a press release to announce the formation of BAF.
As expected, response
from the public in Brunei Darussalam to learn Aikido was very good. With the news in Borneo Bulletin entitled: "Aikido now
in Brunei", over 70 enquiries were received from members of the public. At that time only three members in the Federation
had been graded to 2nd kyu (Hj Shahrum, Pg Alex and James, who has meanwhile left Brunei in December due to the expiry of
his contract), one 3rd kyu (Pg Sufian). three 4th kyu(Denis, Aziemah and Muiz), five 5th kyu (Hj Sabtu who left and rejoined
in September) and the rest (Hj Abd Hamid, Erwan and Hj Jamil) were still 6th kyu grade.
Due to the very good public response
a meeting was held on 29th October 2005 with the pro-tem committee and it was agreed that in order to make Aikido public as
part of the requirements in the constitution of BAF Darussalam Aikido Club (Dojo), a club was officially registered under
BAF. During the initial stage there were only 13 official members registered under the club/BAF and funds were insufficient
to purchase extra mattresses to conduct training for the public. Hj Shahrum who is the General Sales Manager of NBT agreed
to generously sponsor $4000.00 to purchase another 20 mattresses and also to bear initial costs in funding the Darussalam
Aikido Club.
Finally, in order to move their dojo from Berakas
to the National Stadium, Hj Shahrum and Pg Alex made a courtesy visit to the
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, and the Director of Culture, Youth and Sport. Through this
visit they were able to secure a place in the National Stadium as their new Dojo. With the assistance of Sensei Hj Muhammad
Haneef Aikikai Malaysia's President, an official opening and public demonstration was held on 4th - 6th December 2005.
150 members of the public attended to watch the demonstration. Today, with over 60 students registered with the Darussalam
Aikido Club of the BAF, it is the aim of the club to introduce the art to Universiti Brunei Darussalam, the schools, the Royal
Brunei Police Force and the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, in the future.
However, the continued development and propagation of Aikido in Brunei will depend very much on the initiatives of the
members in the future. The Darussalam Aikido Club & the BAF herewith also officially record their gratitude to Sensei
Hj Haneef. Sensei Zainuddin and Aikikai Malaysia for their support and assistance in promoting Aikido in Brunei Darussalam.
addition, the important contributions and determined efforts of the founding members of BAF Hj Shahrum , Pg Alex, Pg Sufian
and Hj Sabtu are also herewith acknowledged. The formation of the Darussalam Aikido Club was through the initiatives and personal
finance of Hj. Shahrum. Pg Alex and Pg Sufian who invested to start the club at the stadium. With their resolute persistence,
hardwork and sacrifices, Darussalam Aikido Club is now proudly an established martial arts institution in Negara Brunei Darussalam.
has been a long and winding road for BAF. but with the determination and vision of the federation, the future looks very bright.
an interview with Hj Shahrum H. Kadir & Pg. M. Alexander Pg Hj M Don By SMCheah, MediaPro Publications Sdn Bhd