1. All candidates who are applying to be graded must satisfy the respective pre-requsite as stipulated
by Aikikai Malaysia Teaching and Grading Syllabus.
2. A candidate is considered to be eligible for grading only if he/she has paid upto date membership
fee, training fee, and has fulfilled the minimum of no. of hours.
3. A candidate is to submit his/her BRUNEI DARUSSALAM AIKIDO FEDERATION membership booklet and attendance
card along with the grading fee two weeks before the grading date.
4. The candidate must sign the waiver and indemnity undertaking form, if he/she has not already done
5. In exceptional cases, a candidate may be allowed to be graded with their dojo instructor's recommendation
and/or the approval of the Chief Instructor.
6. A student/an applicant from other Aikido dojos or clubs is not allowed to be graded by BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
AIKIDO FEDERATION without prior written consent from the Chief Instructor of the student's/ applicant's dojo or