Persekutuan Aikido Brunei (BAF)website has moved to a new website. This is due to Tripod's.com updating issues.
Please go to : persekutuanaikidobrunei.weebly.com
What is Aikido?
Aikido literally meaning "harmony energy way", or with some poetic license, "way of the harmonious spirit"
is a gendai budo — a modern Japanese martial art. Practitioners of aikido are known as "aikidoka". It was
developed by Morihei Ueshiba (also known by aikidoka as o-sensei) over the period of the 1930s to the 1960s. Technically,
the major parts of aikido are derived from Daito RyuDaitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu, a form of jujutsu with many joint
techniques, and kenjutsu, or Japanese sword technique. Aikido is also considered to contain a significant spiritual component.
BAF in Brief
Aikido Federation, Brunei Darussalam (BAF) is registered under the Societies
Act on 15th August 2005 (Ref:BPD 25/1183). Aikido was first introduced in Brunei in 2004 by Andrew Nisbett sensei, 2nd
dan. However, Andrew Nisbett sensei had to return to England in early 2005. Faced with a lack of experienced instructors
locally, the founding members of the BAF were prompted to seek technical assistance overseas and eventually came
under the technical supervision of Aikikai Malaysia Association. Now, BAF's members train regularly under the tutelage of
Zainuddin Abd Khalic sensei, 4th dan, as well as other instructors from Aikikai Malaysia. Zainuddin sensei
is currently the Supervising Technical Instructor of BAF.
Site updated 8th December 2011
Pg Sufian Pg Omar
Ahmad Isa
Ng Thin Chiong
Committee Member
Hj Md Jamil Dato Hj Abd Hamid
For more information please contact:
Sarah - 8713542
NOTICE is hereby given that the 6th Annual General Congress of the members of PERSEKUTUAN AIKIDO, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
will be held at Aikidamashii Dojo, Unit 42, 1st Floor, Block "A", Melabau Complex, Kg. Serusop, Jalan Muara, Brunei Darussalam
on Sunday, 27th November 2011 at 2:00pm.
BAF extends its sincere condolences to the victims of the Japan
15th March 2011 earthquake and wishes a good recovery for Japan and her people.