Donovan Waite shihan seminar, Jakarta Sept 2011 |

BAF seminar June 2011 |

Group photograph with Zainuddin sensei, 4th dan |
Hombu Instruction Tour 2011 |

Group picture with Katsurada Eiji shihan and Hino Terumasa shidoin |
BAF Annual year end seminar 2010 |

Group photograph with Hj Haneef sensei 6th dan of Aikikai Malaysia |
JENESYS Martial Arts Exchange Programme July 2010 |

Oyama Yuji shidoin, Hj Sabtu sensei, Irie Yoshinobu shihan, Wong Seow Chui and Nakada Akiko san |
48th All Japan Aikido Demonstration May 2010 |

Hj Sabtu sensei and Wong Seow Chui with friends at Budokan |
48th All Japan Aikido Demonstration May 2010 |

BAF Exco at lunch with Fujimaki shihan, Irie shihan, Suzuki shidoin and Oyama shidoin |
Seminar by Dr Goldsbury sensei 6th dan, March 2010 |

Hombu Instruction Tour 2009 |

Group photograph with Fujimaki Hiroshi shihan 6th dan and Suzuki Koujiro shidoin 4th dan |
10th IAF Congress & Seminar October 2008 |

Members of BAF with Hj Haneef sensei and Zainuddin sensei of Aikikai Malaysia |
10th IAF Congress & Seminar October 2008 |

Dinner with Hj Haneef sensei and Zainuddin sensei in Tanabe |
10th IAF Congress & Seminar October 2008 |

Before the start of the first session by Seki shihan |
Seminar, Intensive Training and Demonstration from 2 December to 4 December 2005 by
Sensei Hj. Haneef, Zainuddin and Abbas
The Brunei Aikido Federation held an "Intensive Training, Seminar and Demonstration" at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium
from Dec 2-4.
The purpose of the event is to introduce Aikido to the public as the federation is newly established in the country on
Aug 15 this year.
Present to give the demonstration was one of the top Aikido masters in the region, Hj Haneef Hj Ali, the President of the
Malaysian Aikido Federation who is a 5th Dan black belt assisted by his son Abas Hamzah Hj Haneef and local chief instructor,
Sensei Zainuddin A Khalic.
Seminar and Intensive Training 10 March to 12 March 2006 by Sensei Zainuddin Abd.
One of upgrading session on 12 March 2006
Hj. Shahrum, BAF President, with Moriteru Ueshiba, Doshu, at The Aikido World Headquarters
in Tokyo, Japan.
Members attending the upgrading session on 12 March 2006
Group picture of successful upgraded members February 2006 with Sensei Zainuddin Abd. Khalic